続 東北地方太平洋沖地震―エホバの証人の被害と救援活動

 「Jehovah’s Witnesses Official Media Web Site」からの東北関東大地震についての情報が、2011年3月25日に更新されました。英文の一部を掲載し、簡単な和訳をつけたいと思います。 私の英語力の欠如のために雑な訳になっていることをご了承ください。数字関係は正確です。

For Immediate Release

March 25, 2011

Witnesses continue relief work in Japan

The Witnesses’ branch office in Japan established contact with local congregations to assist them in obtaining information on the 115 Witnesses who were reported missing as of March 15; that number has now been reduced to 16. While initial reports indicated that five places of worship used by the Witnesses, called Kingdom Halls, were destroyed, the branch office has now confirmed that three Kingdom Halls were destroyed and another three Kingdom Halls were damaged extensively or flooded. Sadly, the branch office also confirmed that the death toll among the Witnesses has risen to four.

One of the teams of Witnesses providing relief to the disaster victims reported that 11 truckloads of supplies were sent to one affected area during the first few days. Despite the many challenges faced by the victims, congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses in the areas devastated by the tsunami have continued to hold worship services, providing spiritual comfort and encouragement to both the Witnesses themselves and their non-Witness neighbors in the area.


最新の発表として 2011年3月25日





